Friday, April 18, 2008

about two years ago, when hurricane BrandiRose burst on the 2+2 scene (Brandi Hawbaker) - she made a bit of a crazy name for herself fast. Then things turned ugly.

At one point I remember her asking for prayers in a thread, and I actually sent her a PM saying I was going to do so - she replied back thanking me, saying she appreciated it - short and sweet.

I had put her name down on a list of names I was keeping track of and praying for. Like most spiritual ventures, I quickly struggled, and I actually found that list on the floor of my truck under some papers about two months ago - I cycled thru it quickly, figured everyone was doing well, and stashed the notebook for another day.

It is my understanding that the woman took her own life on Sunday.

I'm sorry for the trainwreck that her life became, esp. the public trashing she took. I'm sorry her demons were stronger then her. I'm sorry we never got the chance to at least say hi face to face.

But mostly I'm just sorry I stopped praying for her.

pax, BrandiRose.



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