Wednesday, January 30, 2008

made a 4th cash in a row and another final table - busted in 7th to some sick, sick shit.

call with KQ and get a JTx flop - I mean to bet but I've got a funky keyboard, and while typing in my bets, I keep getting the field populated with 8's - usually hitting the 8 key clears it but not this time - I only want to bet half the pot so I just check, not being able to type in the bet amount I want.

my opponent had open ender and I made my top pair with the K - just sick how I couldn't bet and although he had an open ended st8 draw I could have at least made it bad for him to draw - fruck.

7th better then a kick in the teeth, however. - will try again at 7am and try to increase the streak to 5 :)

My favorite is raising the first hr with 55, getting repopped and laying it down and some smart ass quips "no balls" I outlasted that smartass who didn't even make the money - can't win it all in the first hr, right?



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