Tuesday, December 07, 2004

an acquaintance of mine is selling an amp and guitar - it's old stuff - but I have to look at his selling it as another example of the musical dream not panning out - he was a musician on a major label, and then on some big indies, but not being in front of the right people at the right time led to basically folding up and playing to 20 people in crappy Nashville clubs.

he wrote this big post this week about being "fragile" - despondant and depressed at what should have been a music career that worked -

everyone I know is or has been on antidepressants the last yr. (myself included) - a good chunk of us like myself use drugs or alcohol to make the stress of life more bearable -

as a person of religious faith....this is killing me...the righteous work to the bone and the unrighteous prosper....it really tears at any faith I have left....

I just wish fragile wasn't the word so many of us use to describe life.... -



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