ow ow ow -
every once in a while - usually after too much salt, caffinee, and an obscene amount of other crap I won't write about, I get a pain in a kidney - a lower back sorta pain that can cause mild to moderate discomfort. I thought going to bed would help but 3-4 hrs later I'm still hurting - not so bad if I sit and bend forward but if I stand up I'm soon looking/walking like I'm wounded.
Don't think it's a stone but I'm def. dehydrated - (no, not hungover) - we'll see what a couple days of relaxation does - sucks tho - keeps me apt. bound -
and in spite of this I took $75 when I woke up and turned it into a satellite win for the Full Tilt $215 200000K guarantee tonight - it's doublestack so no updates for a while - LOL
if I find myself prone to Kidney stones I will probably drink till I die - aye aye aye - if it's anything like what I heard and if it feels like this times 10 - I could see how al swearagan would be doubled over in Deadwood in the fetal position :)
Hey whiskey. I was playing that too!. I had won a satellite entry as well. I was doing well, but ran my set of 8's into a turned set of A's...all-in on the flop. Uggg. Would have had 20K, but BUSTO. Nice work.
I busted in 400th - I overplayed AQ and I knew I did it when I pushed.
I was in pain - not thinking clearly ;)
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