Thursday, August 18, 2022

I just took a wonderful trip down memory lane with Wil Wheaton's "Still Just A Geek"  - I didn't see anything in there regarding the PokerStars/WPBT times but as many of you remember, he was with us on some of the WPBT events and they were just great memories to relive again.    I'm very happy to report he's doing great, growing, thriving, and of course, you've been seeing him on screen and in audio again the last few years which makes me happy.

Man - I haven't been here in 3 years - what happened besides all the other horrible shit that happened in the Covid years?   I had a rough few years but that's too much for me to talk about now.

All the poker blogs are gone almost - everyone sorta lost heart after Black Friday - but we have records of the times when for a brief moment, we were watching one of our favorite games suddenly spring to life like Chess did after Fischer beat the Russians, and our Fischer's name was Moneymaker - :)

We were there, man.   Some of us even lived thru it, - and despite hitting a milestone birthday soon, I enjoy looking back on the old posts and stories and song lyrics.

Maybe there's still room for a few more

"Sometimes when you doing simple things around the house
Maybe you'll think of me and smile
You know I'm tied to you like a button on your blouse
Keep me in your heart for a while"

Warren Zevon